We interviewed brides across the country who triumphed over medical conditions, lifelong battles with the scale and grueling 6 a.m. workouts — even documenting their most challenging moments on national television! — to get fit for their wedding day.
By: Stefania SainatoMaria Delgado: "Weight Watchers offered me a plan that was structured yet still flexible enough for me to enjoy life (and all food for that matter!)"
The turning point:
"Although I tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle prior to my engagement, it wasn't until about seven months out from the wedding that I realized I would need to commit to a better diet and jump-start my exercise plan. I wanted to feel the most beautiful I've ever felt in my life on our wedding day."
Left: "Before" photo: Courtesy of Maria Delgado
Right: "After" photo: Credit: Thirteenth Moon Photography
How I did it:
"While I was on the Weight Watchers Program, I never starved myself or felt deprived, although I was careful with portions and tried to select healthy food options whenever possible. My now-husband and I are big foodies and with the weekly bonus points, I learned to plan ahead for our date nights. After following Weight Watchers for a few months with results, I wanted to push myself even more, so I joined a local boot camp that offered intense 30-minute workouts. It was perfect! I quickly began seeing results, dropping two inches in my arms alone after just a month."
Advice for other brides:
"Weight Watchers taught me that we're human and will veer off-course at times, but the important part is to stay consistent and keep going. Don't fixate on the number on the scale. Make healthy choices, and allow yourself to live, but more importantly, enjoy the process and celebrate the small wins. If you don't like running on the treadmill, then find an alternative. Find something that you'll realistically be able to stick to (and not dread)!"
Enlist the support of your fiancé:
"My husband was incredibly supportive throughout my journey. Even though he didn't need to lose weight, he made it a point to exercise with me so that we could spend more time together."
"After" Photo Credit: Thirteenth Moon Photography
Biggest challenges:
"Since my work schedule varies, the only time I was guaranteed to fit a workout in was in the morning, so I woke up at 6 a.m. four to five days a week up until the wedding. It was tough sustaining the motivation to make the right choices when the wedding seemed so far away at times."
Proudest moment:
"My last dress fitting was four days before our wedding and the seamstress ended up having to take in an inch on each side of my hips. At that moment, there was no doubt that my hard work had paid off!"
Where I am now:
"I've lost nearly 30 pounds. Like most women, I tend to focus on the negative, but although I would have liked to lose 10 more pounds, I didn't focus on that. Instead, I was proud of what I achieved. I can honestly say that although I may have been thinner throughout the years, I've never felt more beautiful than I did on our wedding day, which shined through in my photos. I'm excited by my success and proud that I achieved my weight-loss through a healthy lifestyle (and not by extremes)."
The work that lies ahead:
"Although the pressure is off for the wedding, I'm still working out (albeit not always early in the morning), and making healthy choices. I'm still on Weight Watchers and working to reach my goal weight."
![]() Became addicted to Crossfit |
Check.your.facts replied on Permalink
45 seems an extreme number