10 Mistakes Brides Make When Hosting Out-of-Towners

Faux pas that could sabotage your wedding weekend—and how to avoid them.

Wedding Weekend Mistake #10: Missing out on time with guests because of vendor meetings.

Several last-minute tasks have to be completed, and your wedding coordinator will surely want to connect with you. However, if you're booked up with vendor meetings, you’re either leaving fun parties early or missing them altogether.

Your Solution: Tell all of your vendors that the 48 hours before your wedding day is blocked off for your all-important family and friends time; meetings will have to take place before that cut-off point, which will help to put the planning behind you and unwind. If it's absolutely mandatory to meet the day prior to the wedding, make early-morning appointments so that you can get business done, then have the rest of the day to yourself.

Photo Credit: Casey Fatchett Photography

Sharon Naylor is the author of The Bride's Guide to Freebies: Enhancing Your Wedding Without Selling Out and over 35 additional wedding planning books. Visit sharonnaylor.net for more expert tips and advice.
