10 Mistakes Brides Make When Hosting Out-of-Towners

Faux pas that could sabotage your wedding weekend—and how to avoid them.

Wedding Weekend Mistake #3: Not planning enough wedding weekend events.

On the flip side, you'll regret it later if you plan absolutely nothing during your wedding weekend. Guests will assume you're ultra-busy with wedding tasks and plan day trips of their own. With no scheduled events, you might have a hard time tracking down loved ones when you do want to spend time with them.

Your Solution: Again, plan one optional get-together for each day. Also feel free to encourage your parents to host their own events for relatives and their friends. There’s no rule saying everyone has to always be together as one big group—parents can plan their own soirée while you take your entourage out on the town.

Photo Credit: Hoffer Photography

Next: Doing This Instead of Spending Time With Your Guests ►
