Wedding Budget
Meg Keene, the brains behind A Practical Wedding, shares her stay-sane spending tips.
Divine desserts (including your cake!) for less.
Let's face it — most of us don't have unlimited wedding budgets. But how do you decide what's worth the big bucks and where to cut corners? Here, 15 real couples reveal their biggest indulgence and top money-savers.
We asked three planners to work with a big-day budget of $5,000. Here’s how they toed the bottom line.
A real bride shares her clever cost-cutting strategies.
How to take advantage of sales, score wedding freebies and more; plus, horror stories to avoid.
Here, top secrets to help you start saving now.
Directing guests to their seats has never been more fun! Learn how to make escort cards from real bride Nancy Arnold at kiex fötögraphy & design.
Real bride Nancy Arnold, the powerhouse behind kiex fötögraphy & design, gives us the lowdown on how to make the adorable favors from her own wedding.
Whether you're new to crafting or can stitch and glue with your eyes closed, we've got the perfect project for your big day.