Trend We Love: Candy Buffets

blue candy buffetDone right, a candy buffet becomes more than just a delicious favor for your guests; it becomes an eye-catching part of your wedding reception décor. 

But creating one isn't as simple as just buying a few bags of candy. To find out how to create the perfect color-coordinated buffet with the right amount of candy for your guests, we checked in with Nicole Carter from, an online bulk candy store organized by color, theme, brand, and flavor. Check out her advice below!

BG: How much candy do I need to buy?
Nicole Carter: Determining how much to buy is the biggest challenge. We've found people tend to overestimate the weight of candy. If I asked you what five pounds of M&M's looks like, what would be your guess? We have some helpful videos on our product pages to help show you what volumes of different candies equate to.

candy buffet
Photo Credit: Ace Photography

As a general guideline, we usually recommend about half a pound per guest. However, it’s not just about party favors in gift bags. A candy buffet is a majorly awesome display piece for your wedding reception. There are more things to consider than how much candy per person.  

First, decide where in the venue you want to put the candy buffet bar. Then, figure out how big of a table you'll use. Do you want it to run the whole length of the wall, or should it just be in the center? Now, how do you want to display the candy on the table—in big, tall vases, or in smaller bowls propped up on decorative boxes? Once you have a general idea abour what kind of a display you want, check out the videos on (they're very short) to see how much candy you really need to carry out your plan. 

orange and pink candy buffet

You also need to consider the size of your display table. We recommend that you stay on the smaller side, with spare candy stashed below to refill the vessels as needed. If you set up a bulk candy buffet that is a little bit smaller than your ideal and you buy a little bit more candy than you need, you'll never be stuck in a position where your buffet looks empty. It's nice to be able to refill or top off the candy buffet when it gets low later in the day. Watch the kids’ faces when you come over and refill the candy buffet—it's like Christmas morning.

BG: How many different candy types and color variations should I include?
NC: If you're going to match the color scheme of your wedding, you should include at least one other color as well. Many people use white, which softens the aesthetic a bit, but other colors are certainly used as well. And candy buffets are meant to be fun and add some pizazz, so don’t be afraid to add a bright accent. Layering various shades of jelly beans or M&Ms within one vessel is fun, too. 

blue and yellow candy buffet
Created by The Couture Candy Buffet Company

You do want to include several different kinds of candy. The premise of a bulk candy buffet is that guests can come up and choose from this decadent display of gorgeous candy, so pick several varieties first, then bulk up on each of them if you need more volume later.

rainbow candy buffet

BG: What should I used to hold the candy?
NC: Part of the fun of a candy buffet is that there are no rules. You can be as creative as you want! To save money, you can mix and match glass bowls and vases that you already own. For a more cohesive look, you can find elegant containers in various shapes at TJ Maxx, craft stores, and garden stores. You can also order vessels online, but be careful if you're shipping glass.

blue candy buffet
Created by Sweet Creations by Judy

Ready to start your candy buffet? Head over to and browse over 2,000 bulk candy products! 

—Kristen O'Gorman Klein

Photos courtesy of