15 Bridal Shower Games that Are Fun for Everyone

Planning a bridal shower can really put your creativity to the test. From the tried-and-true to the truly new, we've compiled some of the most interactive games to keep the party alive, and the bride laughing.

1. Wedding-Themed Scanvenger Hunt

Have guests find something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, from their surroundings – whoever finds all of these wedding-musts, first, wins!

Scavenger Hunt

2. "Who Said It?" Game

This is a bridal shower favorite! Create a top ten list of quotes, and have attendees guess whether the bride or groom said each one. Bonus points if you include silhouette illustrations for them to circle.

Alyssa Renee Photography

Photo Credit: Alyssa Renee Photography

3. Guess the Dress

Give everyone a pencil and let their inner designer loose! Have everyone draw what they think the bride's wedding dress will look like. Etsy has plenty of printable options, including the below from KrysteenaMarieDesigns.

Guess the Dress

Photo: KrysteenaMarieDesigns

4. Signature Couple Cocktails

If the bride and groom love a good mixed drink, have your guests concoct the perfect couple cocktail with the best name. The winning drink will be served at the reception!

Kaizen Nguyễn

5. Famous Couples Throughout History Guessing Game

Have guests write down their favorite famous couples (think: Romeo & Juliet, Cher & Sonny, Kim & Kanye) on index cards, put them in a pot and mix them up. Next, have each person pick an index card out of the bowl, and tape to their forehead. Go in a circle and have each person guess the trailblazing pair on their card. No peeking! 

 Famous Couples Throughout History

6. Gift Bingo

A fun bridal-twist on classic bingo. Have attendees write down eight gifts they think the bride will receive at the shower. Mark off the ones you get right as the bride opens presents – the first to get three in a row wins!

Love Bingo

Photo: June Arbor Designs

7. What's in the Bride's Bag?

See who knows the bride best with a game of "what's in her bag." The person with the most items correct items wins.

Purse Scavenger Hunt

8. Emoji Pictionary

For a millennial-twist on classic Pictionary, guests must correctly figure out the wedding words and phrases from the given emojis. Etsy seller Clink Paper offers a print-ready digital download that's set up to print two games per standard sheet (it also includes an answer key).

Clink Paper on Etsy

Photo Credit: Clink Paper on Etsy

9. Champagne Pong

Elevate your pong game with champagne. Played by teams of two in which each team takes turn throwing a ping pong ball into the other team's cups. Once a ball lands in a cup, the cup is taken away and the opponent then drinks the contents of the cup. If both teammates hit cups, the balls are rolled back and they get to shoot again. No need to break out the good china, Amazon sells packaged sets!


10. Photo Book

Ask guests to bring a photo of themself with the bride-to-be, and collect them at the end of the shower. This allows the bride to create new memories, while cherishing old ones long after the wedding. 

Photo Book

11. Kiss the Lips

A more intimate version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Have all of your bridal shower guests dawn their favorite lipstick and try to kiss the lips of the bride's favorite celeb – blindfolded!

Kiss the Lips

12. Happy Hashtagging 

Finding the perfect wedding hashtag is tough. So why not enlist the help of those that know you and your boo, best? Have everyone write down ideas and place in a jar for the bride and groom to open, and choose the winner.


13. Matching Love Song Game

Print out these printables and have guests match the love song with the corresponding Disney movie – a fun game for attendees of all ages!

Designs by Miss Mandee

Photo: Designs by Miss Mandee

14. Scratch-Off Game

For a fun way to get the party started, you can't beat scratch-off cards. Etsy seller Janet Morrinoffers a set of 24 cards with two winners in each batch. Come up with a grab bag for the scratch winners to reach in and claim their prizes.

Janet Morrin

15. Donut Wall

Who doesn't love a good donut? Blindfold guests and let them go nuts. Everyone wins because, well...donuts. 

Donut Wall

Now that you have the games down, make sure you capture the fun moments with 25 Photos You'll Definitely Want from Your Bridal Shower.