5 Tips On How To Create A Wedding Registry When You Already Live Together

Blogger and influencer Jordan Landes-Brenman shares tips and tricks for creating a wedding registry when you already live with your partner. 

My fiancé Scott and I had been living together for six years...his couch had been living with him for 10. We didn’t need a coffee maker, but we needed new furniture. So how do you register for your wedding when you already live together?

If you’ve been cohabitating with your significant other for awhile, you most likely already own the majority of items that would be on a standard wedding registry. While registering for cash, gift cards, or experiences is always an option, it’s important to create a registry for those guests that want to buy you traditional gifts. Best of all, it’s an opportunity for you to upgrade your lifestyle!

Couple Filling Out Wedding Registry
Photo: Scott White

1. Take Stock Of What You Need

Use your wedding registry as an opportunity to either upgrade what you already have, (say later to those mismatching pots and pans!), get what you need, and perhaps splurge on those memorable items that you’ll treasure for the rest of your lives (hellooo crystal stemware!).

2. Find a Registry That Does It All

Long gone are the days of registering at tons of different stores. I’m someone that craves efficiency, so we found a wedding registry that can do both! We registered with Bed Bath + Beyond, and had an amazing experience.

3.  Purge + Upgrade

The aforementioned couch was literally cramping our style. It looked old, and physically couldn’t fit Scott, myself and our two little dogs. Couches are pricey, so it was an ideal item to add to our registry, as we both agreed that it would drastically improve our daily quality of life. This takes me to my next point…

4. Enter as a United Front

While your significant other might not always be as interested as you are in your wedding registry, I would highly recommend registering together. It’s actually REALLY fun to run around the store with a scanner. We also learned so much about products from our in-store experience, and it was incredibly helpful to learn about the products while discussing as a couple whether or not to add them to our registry.

We considered what we already had, how often we cooked (never...but would like to do it more), and took a look at what made sense for us as a couple based on our current lifestyle, and what we might want should our family grow in the future.

5. Make This Your Forever Home

If there was ever a time to “invest” in quality items, it’s on your wedding registry. Register for items that you love, but can’t justify or afford to buy for yourself. There will be very few times in your life where people will just buy you a ton of gifts to make your life better.

By all means include a variety of price points so your guests have options, but don’t hesitate to select high quality items that you not only love, but that will stand the test of time.


Jordan Landes-Brenman is a NYC-based fashion and beauty blogger at HauteHouseFlower.com, with an Instagram following of more than 280K followers. She is currently planning her October 2019 destination wedding to her fiancé/photographer in Florence, Italy.