The Seven Deadly Bridal Sins

Bridezilla? I don't think so. Before you catch yourself in a jam, learn the seven behaviors that can get your bridal behind in trouble.

Sin #6: Not Acknowledge What Your Parents May Be Going Through

bride and mom

Photo Credit: Hailey Erickson Photography

"I fought with my mother for months over whether the entrée at our rehearsal dinner should be hot or cold," says Moir-Smith. "I finally realized that we were not fighting over food, but over the thought of ‘losing' each other when I got married. I was not a baby — but I was her baby, and the last of her children to get married. It was tough for both of us." The fact is, your wedding marks a big transition for your parents as well as for you, no matter how old you are. A child's marriage signals a change in parental identity — from parents to potential grandparents. These are heavy thoughts, so it's no wonder many parents bury their emotions under silly fights, or even by seeming uninterested in the wedding. If this happens, don't turn away. Even if you can't get the 'rents to open up about how they're really feeling, at least do your best to understand it.

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