The Seven Deadly Bridal Sins

Bridezilla? I don't think so. Before you catch yourself in a jam, learn the seven behaviors that can get your bridal behind in trouble.

Sin #4: Becoming a Total Diva

Photo Credit: Rebekah J. Murray Photography

Are you in danger of going overboard on the attention-grabbing front, demanding more, more, more from friends and bridesmaids—more bridal events and outings, more gifts, more reasons to spend money? Ask yourself, "Why do you think you need all this attention?" advises Moir-Smith. Sometimes, she reports, a bride-to-be is worried that her single girlfriends are pulling away, getting ready to relegate her to "married" status in their minds. The demanding bride might be trying, in a backhanded way, to pull her friends closer. But this behavior will only backfire, causing resentment and rifts. So, in addition to one or two just-for-you events, plan get-togethers that are all about fun and friendship and have nothing to do with your wedding.

Next: Don't Spend Money You Don't Have ►
