The Gift That Keeps Giving?

I cannot tell you how many showers I’ve been to where the bride and her guests have all experienced that VERY awkward moment when she opens a gift in front of everyone—in the tradition of bridal showers—which she SO obviously dislikes. Cringe. That’s the only word to describe everyone’s reactions as we all watch the bride struggle to feign happiness.

It generally makes for the stuff of good laughs later on, but sometimes I really do wonder what makes some people veer off in crazy directions when buying a shower or wedding gift. I mean, it seems so simple and turnkey, just buy what the bride chose for herself! Save yourself the hassle of searching for the “perfect” gift as well as the possibility of being the perpetrator of one of those awful cringe-filled moments.

As soon as the ring makes it on to our fingers, we’re told to register so that people can buy us gifts we WANT. Most brides do this diligently, but inevitably end up with those crazy off-the-wall gifts that they would have never chosen. When I registered, my husband and I literally fought over the gun, and then he took off through Bloomingdales scanning everything in sight to prove the point that no matter how many, or how diverse the items on our registry were, people were still going to get us whatever THEY chose.

But, don’t be disheartened at this prospect ladies—or even if you’ve experience it already, because one bride’s trash will be another person’s treasure. And so my favorite ladies in white, I introduce you to the Re-gift! (I know—it’s so controversial!)

For the gift you cannot return, or the one you cannot understand why someone would ever buy you, or the one that has no receipt and no box to indicate where it came from—what do you do? You open up shop!

These items, amongst the others just like them, are now part of the inventory that will become your re-gift closet. Ladies (and gentlemen), this is how your grandmothers started those magical closets where you could find a last-minute gift for any occasion. Call it the misfit boutique. That’s what we called it in my house.

There are other ways to cut down on these unwanted gifts for those of you who simply don’t have the closet space. You could start by getting creative with your registries. Group gifts are a good answer…you can ask your guests to contribute to one large gift you’d like, such as your wedding album or video, and the dollar amount can be kept confidential. Some couples are even setting up bank accounts where guests can contribute—and again keep their monetary donations anonymous—for something like a down payment on a home for the couple. Every dollar counts people!

Not that I am an instigator, well OK, maybe I am, but I just have to ask about some of the crazy, out-of-the-box gifts you have received that left you wondering how and why.

Think celebs don’t encounter this kind of thing—or maybe at those price points nothing is too shabby—well, I will tell you, they absolutely do get horrible gifts—just more expensive ones. I cannot divulge my sources on this one…but trust me.

I hate to be so catty—but I am dying to know the worst gift you ever received, and whether or not you have the makings of a re-gift closet?

Come on…we're amongst friends, and who am I really going to tell?

Xoxo SG

Posted by Samantha at 11:37 a.m.