Why This Proposal Video Inspired a High School Bully to Apologize

When Lucas Bane's proposal video to his partner of four years, David Devora, went viral, he got one response he certainly wasn't expecting — an apology from someone who tormented him as a teenager for being gay.

Lucas and David from LUCAS and DAVID on Vimeo.

After viewing the video above, where Bane shut down a street in West Hollywood to surprise Devora with a flash mob proposal, the bully — identified as "B" — sent Bane a Facebook message that read: 

"I'm sure you have no idea who I am. I went to high school with you. If you do remember me it's probably not positive as I was a bit of an a**hole back then. I saw your video today on Facebook and wanted to say Congratulations! No need to respond I just wanted you to know that I think what you have is awesome and wish you the best."

Bane was shocked when he saw who the message was from. "I gasped when I saw the name," he told The Gaily Grind. "When I read the words and his follow-up response, I sobbed. That sounds dramatic, but it's true."

Read their full exchange below:

bully apologizesbully apologizes

"He wasn’t one of the worst, but to me, his apology felt like it spoke for all the people who used to pick on me," Bane told The Gaily Grind. "It was really healing. I meant every word when I said he had given me a gift. I feel incredible."

—Kristen Klein