Your Destination Wedding Guide

Don't think you can pull off a wedding thousands of miles away from home? Use this step-by-step guide to throwing a hassle-free destination wedding.

The Goods on Goody Bags

You’ve made sure your guests have everything they need to get to your location—from airline info to a prearranged hotel discount. You’ve gotten together an itinerary of wedding activities and any outside excursions you’ve planned. For a finishing touch, provide goody bags (or baskets) in guests’ hotel rooms. These should include basics like bottled water, snacks, a disposable camera, toiletries and mints. After that, get creative. If you’re at a beach resort, put in flip-flops and sunscreen for everyone, plus beach toys for kids. For city-slicker locations, tuck in local maps, a list of great restaurants and watering holes in the neighborhood, and brochures about nearby museums or other attractions.

Who Pays for What?


  • the pre-wedding breakfast or post-wedding brunch
  • the rehearsal dinner
  • reception
  • in some cases, accommodations for bridal party and guests


  • transportation
  • accommodations (unless the bride and groom offer to pay)
  • meals and activities not part of the planned group activities
  • incidentals

A Second Reception?

Inevitably, there will be a group of people at home—work friends, parents’ friends, relatives who couldn’t manage the trip—who missed out on the fun. If you can, plan a follow-up reception for when you arrive home—and make it as formal or casual as you like. You might hold a sit-down dinner at a favorite local restaurant or serve cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in your backyard. Be sure to have your wedding video and photos on hand; some couples create slide shows of their wedding pictures so guests can truly savor the place and the event. They’ll feel as if they were right there with you, and you’ll have a chance to experience your wonderful day all over again.

