Viva Las Vegas

guest blog:

carieHi! My name is Carie Wojdyla and I’m the editorial intern here at Bridal Guide. I’m a senior at Rutgers University in New Jersey (go Knights!) and since I’ll be graduating in May, I wanted to have a trip to remember with my best pals for spring break. We decided to try our luck in Las Vegas because we heard it was the adult version of an amusement park. Hello, clubs, spas, casinos, shops and restaurants, galore. And who wouldn’t want to see the spot where so many celebrities let down their guard? (Plus, I’ll admit it—I’m a huge CSI fan. Ever since I saw that episode where Grissom rides the coaster on top of New York, New York I’ve wanted to visit.)

To make our plans, we did what every member of the MySpace generation would, and hit the Internet. We searched all the usual suspects: Travelocity, Expedia, Orbitz and Priceline and found some great packages, but with all of them we could only afford a four-night stay. Then we searched the hotel site, and jackpot! We realized if we booked the air and lodging separately we could get roundtrip tickets from the east coast and a five-night stay at the aforementioned New York, New York for the cheapie price of $550 per person. See, sometimes it pays to shop around. Now, if I only had as much luck at the tables….

Posted by Carie at 12:47 p.m.