Security Detail

website watch:

There are a thousand and one ga-jillon travel websites out there, and figuring out which one to trust can be a major time-suck. That’s where I come in.

If you think watching paint dry is the cat’s pajamas, well, you might just enjoy the new TSA blog. That’s right, ladies, the folks at the Transportation Security Administration have joined the blog bandwagon. (Um, does anyone else think this techno-sphere is entering Fonz jumping territory here?)

According to the site, its purpose is “to facilitate an ongoing dialogue on innovations in security, technology and the checkpoint screening process.” The blog is updated weekly and it touches on all the important security line Qs like shoes, liquid and nail clippers. There’s also a topic area called “Gripes and Grins,” which seems mostly to be user comments.

But all joking aside, if you’re planning a trip, please please, please take a look at the site before you head to the airport. Knowing what is allowed on the plane and what’s not will not only make your travel experience easier, but it will also insure that the pro traveler behind you isn’t cussing at you under his breath because you’re beeping due to the fact you forgot to take off your belt. And, really, doesn’t breezing through security make the friendly skies all the more friendly?

Posted by Jenna at 11:02 a.m.