5 Genius Ways to Track Your RSVPs

Once you've sent out your wedding invitations, it's time to sit back and relax (yeah, right!) as the responses come rolling (more like trickling) in. However, as any real bride knows, the process is rarely ever that simple. RSVP cards may return to you with an illegible name, they could be damaged from the mail, or—even worse—blank. 

Here's how to prevent yourself from going postal:

  • Create a spreadsheet with your guests' names, address, phone number, response (yes/no), meal preference, and plus one, if applicable.
  • Number the cards and include these figures next to their corresponding guest names in the master list that you've just created. We love this idea we found from Dubbs, the blogger behind c(oi)n:purse: Purchase an invisible ink pen, so that guests won't see the numbers under normal lighting! This peace of mind will cost you barely over a buck, shipping included.
  • Don't invite more people than your venue can hold. Typically, 25 to 30 percent of guests will decline, but don't count on it or it could cost you.
  • Give guests a deadline to respond by. Give yourself at least a month, so that you have some wiggle room before you need to give your caterer a final head count.
  • Include proper postage and pre-addressed envelopes to make it as easy as possible for guests to RSVP. Also be wary of postage rate hikes around the time of your wedding. We spotted this hilarious apology video on Offbeat Bride—a couple sent it to guests once they realized their pre-stamped RSVPs didn't cover the full cost of postage!

Honest Mistake from Alexis & Rafe on Vimeo.

Tell us: What other time-saving tricks have you learned while planning your wedding? We'd love to hear!

Photos courtesy of mycoinpurse.blogspot.com


More RSVP Relief:


—Stefania Sainato