Invite Savings

Brides often ask Diane Forden and myself whether it’s OK to send Evites. The short answer is no. So is the long answer. Weddings are special, don’t you agree? Let’s vow to keep something in our lives tech-free! That said, paper invitations can run you into a lot of dough. I recently heard from the people at Hello! Lucky, a stationery company based in San Francisco and London, which makes paper stuff that I just love. I noticed they offer a digital option for invites and I asked them to give me some comparative costs between digital and letterpress. Here’s what they told me:

RSVP cards
For 25 cards: digital would be $67.50 while letterpress would be $427


Place cards
For 25 cards: digital would be $55 while letterpress would be $276


Menus/Detail cards
For 25 cards: digital would be $60 while letterpress would be $423


So, you see, going digital can save you some big bucks—plus keeping you in line with wedding etiquette!

NOTE: Jes Gordon, event planner and E! News’ Countdown to the Altar wedding expert, says basically the same thing we do. But she says it’s fine to send Evites for your rehearsal dinner and to use for your Save the Dates. If you do decide to send thank-you notes by e-mail, send it to your guests along with a photo of themselves at the wedding that they can print out and keep forever. As Gordon notes, this is just so much more thoughtful than firing off a plain old e-mail.

We agree!

Posted by Susan at 9:52 a.m.