Focus on Budget

If anyone you know has gotten married lately in New York or New Jersey, they may already know about wedding photographer Alyse Liebowitz, owner of 3 Chicks That Click Photography. Recently, Alyse offered us some general budget advice. Alyse says, by the way, that people are getting married just as much now as they were before the recession—(phew!)—but that absolutely every client she works with has budget concerns. Here, some ideas from Alyse that definitely clicked with the Budget Guru:

  • Make sure your quotes from vendors include EVERYTHING. There are unscrupulous folks out there who may charge you for hidden fees after the fact.
  • Splurge on your bouquet but not on your table arrangements. Alyse thinks big, fancy-shmancy centerpieces make dinner chit-chat too challenging.
  • Forget brand-name alcohol—in a mixed drink, no one will know the difference.
  • It’s OK to use the much-maligned e-invite, even though in the past it’s been a wedding etiquette no-no.
  • Don’t give up on your honeymoon dream. If you’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii, go. But stay 10 days instead of two weeks, rent the compact car instead of the convertible, choose a hotel that’s further inland. In Hawaii, it’s never hard to find a beach.
  • Everything is negotiable these days—hone your haggling skills and get the best deal you can (but be polite!)

Posted by Susan at 10:11 a.m.