Get Creative: Perfect Gifts From the Heart

DIY projects are all the rage now as everyone, especially brides-to-be, recognizes the value of the personal touch. In fact, the weddings that we feature in Bridal Guide are filled with creative details that help make each couple’s celebration distinctly their own.

secret ingredients nancy odell

If you happen to be looking for some special DIY ideas for your own wedding, you’ll love Secret Ingredients: Step by Step “Recipes” for Creating Meaningful Gifts (Creative Memories) by Nancy O’Dell, (yes, that Nancy O’Dell from “Entertainment Tonight”).

It’s filled with lots of fantastic DIY gift projects not only for the wedding but for every occasion of your life—from birthdays to anniversaries.

I had the pleasure of meeting Nancy O’Dell, who is every bit as gorgeous, gracious and lovely as she is on TV. (I was a bit hesitant to be photographed beside this model-tall star, but she was kind enough to lean down a bit so I didn’t look like a munchkin!)

diane forden nancy odell

Nancy told me that this book was a work of love and she hoped that these “gifts from the heart” would resonate with people who want to give or create something unforgettable. Well, after perusing the book I have to say that she succeeded. 

But I'll let Nancy tell you about her genius ideas herself—check out her guest blog here!

—Diane Forden