Wedding Bouquets with Roses

The queen of bridal blooms graces bouquets in every style. Get more flower ideas here!


When roses are grouped together in many different shades of one color, you get gorgeous dimension. Romance is in the air with this clutch bouquet of assorted roses in blush tones. Accents of cordyline leaves gives it a modern spin.romantic rose bridal bouquet

By Flowers of the World



Showstopper style is all yours with this single large Glamelia bouquet. The Glamelia, popular in the 40s and 50s, is a single handcrafted bloom fashioned from dozens and dozens of petals. Green camellia leaves finish off its polished, chic look.

glamorous glamelia1 rose bouquet

By In Bloom New York



Red brunia berries nestle among the roses in this winter wedding bouquet. Rather than a solid color, these River Alex garden roses range from white to deep garnet for a stylish look. Tiny buds add texture.

vibrant rose bouquet

By Prudence Designs & Events



Deep red roses are always a great choice for a classic bride! This tightly arranged bouquet of lush Black Baccara and Black Beauty roses is ideal for an evening event. Make it more special by choosing a ribbon in a color that matches your wedding theme.

elegant rose bridal bouquet

By Bardin Palomo


Photos by Luciana Pampalone