David Tutera's Tips to De-stress and Obsess Less

Photo Credit: Maria Angela Photography

If I had just a few words of advice to offer overwhelmed brides everywhere, it would be to just step back, take a deep breath, and not let your minds get completely cluttered with wedding planning details. Second to that is, don’t go crazy asking everyone you know and their mother what they think about this location or that bridesmaid dress or this font—it’ll only lead to a frustrating amount of conflicting responses, and you won’t know what to make of it.

A harried bride is not a blushing bride!

Your wedding is important, of course, but don’t let it consume your every waking moment until you walk down the aisle. By the time you make it to your big day, your stress levels will be through the roof! And those around you—including your groom—will no doubt sense your frazzled state of mind. On edge is not how you want to feel (or be remembered as) on your wedding day.

You should never let yourself be totally consumed by anything in life. This almost always leads to a negative outcome. Your wedding is supposed to be a positive experience all around—one of the happiest, most unforgettable moments of your life. Yes, there will be bumps and problems and challenges and disagreements. But if you can step away and take a deep breath when you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’ll be better able to go back to the planning with a clear head and your priorities intact.