Meet the Winners of the Dream Southern Wedding Contest

Claire and Jordan Law

Location: Yuma, Arizona
Branch: Marine Corps

How did you and your fiancé meet?

Jordan and I met when he was stationed in Hawaii about 2 months after September 11. It was love at first sight and we went to the justice of the peace 6 months later. But never had a real wedding. He left for his first deployment when we were sent to our first duty station.

What made you fall in love?

We just got each other. We were like one when we were together and never tired of each others company. All we wanted was happiness for each other. And being together made that happen.

What do you look forward to most as a married couple?

Some day we will be able to live our lives together with no impending fear of being apart. And that is what we look forward to. The days when we can all be together as a family knowing he is safe home with us.

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